Psychosis can be an incredibly distressing experience.
The Psychosis Wales website has been created for people aged 14-35 in Wales who have experienced psychosis.
Learn more about psychosis and the Early Intervention Psychosis services in Wales that are here to support you.
We also have information for family, friends, and carers looking to support their loved one, as well as healthcare staff and other practitioners looking for tools and resources.
Information and guidance for people who have experienced psychosis.
Learn more about psychosis to support someone you know who has been impacted.
Information and resources for practitioners in Wales.
What is psychosis?
Psychosis is a mental health problem that causes people to experience or interpret things differently from those around them. It is sometimes called a ‘loss of touch’ with reality.
Experiencing the symptoms of psychosis is often referred to as having a psychotic episode. A person might experience it once, have repeated episodes, or live with it most of the time.
Everyone’s experience of psychosis is different but there are some signs and symptoms which may be similar.
The most common types of psychotic experiences are hallucinations, unusual beliefs and disorganised thinking and speech. Read more on our Understanding Psychosis page.
It’s important to remember psychosis is treatable but early signs can be vague and barely noticeable, if something doesn’t seem right then speak with your general practitioner (GP) or local Early Intervention in Psychosis service.
Getting support early improves the rate of recovery and reduces the long-term impact.
Many people go on to make a full recovery.