Services to support you

A group photo of two rows of people smiling at the camera in front of banners that read Early Intervention in Psychosis

Photo: Staff from EIP services across Wales met with Lynne Neagle MS, deputy minister for mental health and wellbeing, at the launch of the ‘Investing in the Next Generation’ position paper for Wales, October 2022.

Services to support you

If you live in Wales and have experienced psychosis you will be supported by the Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) service.

EIP services focus on the early detection of symptoms and supporting recovery from psychosis, specifically working with those who are experiencing their first episode of psychosis (FEP) or are within the critical three-year period of diagnosis.

Evidence tells us that the longer symptoms are left untreated, the greater the impact on the person’s life and the lives of those around them.

Intervening quickly during this critical period can improve recovery and reduce the likelihood of symptoms returning, which is known as a relapse.

EIP services aim to provide effective interventions within this critical period.

two women sat at a bench in the woods smiling at one another and talking

There are seven EIP services in Wales, one in each health board.

Services are made up of a team of mental health professionals who work with individuals and their families to understand their personal experiences, support improvements in symptom reduction, and emotional well-being; reduce distress, increase confidence, and coping and access social resources.

Teams generally work with people for up to three years.

EIP staff work with individuals to develop care and treatment plans, setting personalised, realistic goals to support recovery. The approach involves:

  • Community visits
  • Medical input including medication prescribing and review
  • Carer/Family support such as Behavioural Family Therapy (BFT)
  • Psychological interventions
  • Physical health monitoring and intervention

The EIP approach promotes community engagement and supports individuals to gain insight into their experiences and promote quality of life. Some services in Wales have partnered with third-sector organisations to provide a range of support options.

Examples of specific work EIP services can provide to the person experiencing psychosis include:

  • Symptom management
  • Medication interventions
  • Anxiety management
  • Relapse and recovery work
    • Read about the first steps you’ll take once you’ve contacted your local service.
  • Signposting and support to employment or education
  • Confidence building
  • Physical health interventions
  • Access to peer support
    • Peer mentors are people with lived experience of mental health challenges themselves. They use their experiences and empathy to support others and their families receiving care from EIP services

The process of recovery is different for everyone.

EIP services aim to work alongside people to promote improvements in their mental health and quality of life.