
A number of events and presentations have taken place supported by the EIP network and partner organisations. There is a strong drive to share learning and collectively advance the care offer from EIP services in Wales.

Opening address from Lynne Neagle MS, Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing, at our conference in 2024.

The Youth Mental Health Crisis: What it means for early intervention

Professor Pat McGorry, Orygen Youth

Testing and embedding DIAOLG+

Philip McNamee, East London Foundation Trust (talk starts at 11:45mins) 

Trauma and psychosis: using EMDR to treat schizophrenia and other psychoses.

Dr Darren James, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB 

Keeping the body in Mind for people with psychosis

Dr David Shiers and Dr Ben Perry

Psychosis research opportunities in Wales

Professor James Walters, National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) – talk starts at 33mins. Followed by Peer Support: where we have been and where are we going. Liz Walker IMROC and Hannah Morland-Jones HEIW